Monday, October 17, 2016

PH History Project

Zac Barnes and I have been working on the Lone Sailor project along with Dr Gannon for the past three weeks. Most of what we have been doing is researching information on the Navy in Orlando so will be better equipped to be consultants on this project. What the team funding this project want to include in their panels in information on boot camp, history of the navy in Orlando, and information on graduation.

Zac and I have been meeting with Dr Gannon every Monday and she has suggested looking at academic essays on museum walls as well as sending on powerpoints on what information we need to know in order to be better consultants. I know next to nothing about the role of the Navy in Orlando so that is something that I would have to look more into. I do not currently feel like I have done enough preparation to be an adequate consultant on this project. Mark Barnes has also sent Zac and I information on what he has already written on the "Lone Sailor" project. This will be beneficial to us when we are deciding what to include on these panels.

While I have been going through essays, Zac was able to make some changes by going through the PowerPoint sent by the Naval Memorial of Central Florida and Central Florida Navy League. I believe he is trying to make the information flow better.

We also found from Dr Gannon that we need to try and incorporate a new female statue in the future; so, we need to figure out how to make our panels work with these future changes. The new PowerPoint that we received is more helpful than the initial one; but there is not a lot of discussion on this new aspect.

Another aspect that we are having difficulty with is the organization wants information that can be accessed via audio button. This will be helpful in keeping the panels from being too wordy; but Zac and I will have to try and figure out who to have contribute to this audio and what exactly needs to be said. It is possible we will have to conduct some oral interviews. We plan on utilizing Lynn Abrams Oral History Theory  to help us with this.

Being that we do not know much in the way of informative walls, I have been researching public history documents.

Hopefully, by next week we should be able to solidify the information we would like to have included on these walls.

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